

Friday, 31 October 2014

Handmade play dough fun

Found this on pinterest and we had good fun making. Ideal for children with infantile eczema.

DIY ~ soft and silky play dough recipe for sensitive skin types. - http://pinterest.com/pin/482659285036882856/?utm_source=android_share

Dotty the weekend bear

Another long week at work with the 2 hour daily commute but it's Friday and looking forward to spending some quality time with the family (just need to persuade my other half we need a cleaner and would enjoy even more free weekend time!)

This week the nursery where my son goes for 3 days (2 other days are with Daddy as he's a fireman so we work around shifts) we've been given Dotty 'the weekend bear'. Typical as the last few months we've been on many adventures and this week we planned a chilled one as we've all had the lurgy.

What to do with Dotty? She's already been to the beach, soft play, park and theme park from reading her journal and looking at the pictures of her adventure so far.
My thoughts so far are that we could do our usual teddy bears picnic in the lounge so she can join in, not planned a Halloween party but maybe she could give trick or treats to those who knock the door. Maybe I'll give her a duster to help me with the housework!
Any suggestions welcome :-)

Happy weekend
Mammamaker x

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

First post

So I've decided to enter the world of blogging. Heard so much about it and my main reason to get on board had been that I feel I would like to share my experiences. Having loved keeping a diary growing up seems like a good way to share my thoughts in adult hood and as my role as a mummy develops how I juggle being a working mum and my ventures in arts and crafts.
I'm always trying my hand at something new, some turn out good and others well may need practice!

Having worked in the fashion industry for almost 12years, one craft there is no issue with is sewing and cherish the moments I can sit on my sewing machine (more rare these days as time is so precious) but watch this space for project sewing room to commence!!

Mamma Maker :-)